Department Of Quranic Circles


Masjids (mosques) aren’t just a place of worship for Muslims. From the beginning of Islam, Masjids played a central role in educating the masses. The teaching circles at the holy mosques in Makkah and Madinah were the first schools of learning in Islam. The Masjid was also where people gathered to discuss important matters pertaining to their lives and society.

“Whenever a group of people assembles in one of the Houses of Allah (i.e., Mosques), reciting the Book of Allah and studying it, tranquility descends upon them, Mercy covers them, angels surround them, and Allah makes a mention of them among those who are with Him.”

(Sahih Muslim 2699a Book 48, Hadith 48)


The Academy’s goal is to start Quran circles (Halaqas) in mosques, similar to those in Haramain (the two holy Mosques). This will increase Muslims’ passion for practicing and reciting the Quran with a beautiful voice. Due to the intimate nature of these Halaqas, we hope to rouse and revive an interest in Qur’anic learning among Muslims.



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